Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Journy too Devils Play Ground.

As kids we; watched the movies, heard stories, read research papers, all featuring drugs. My friends and I never paid much attention too these deals, other then some the stories were pretty funny. That all changed when we meet this 20 year old Canadian fellow on WoW. He was a cool cat, after awhile of chatting in game we exchanged skype information. He was pretty open about his drug use, it was then we realized that just because you use drugs doesn't mean your going become the scum of the earth. We were 15 at the time, and wanted to adventure into this unknown world for us. The next day, we called a friend....

Due to pending DUI-Drug intoxication charge, my attorney has advice me to not post any incriminating information. even if it was 6 years ago. I will continue this blog after my court date, feb 7th. Till then enjoy some of my other blogs.